G.A. Bondarev The Crisis of Civilization XV. Who Is To Blame For What? The conscientious reader has, so we hope, by now understood that this book is not intended to be a futile exchange of blows. He is invited to think over the complex of problems around which a steadily growing world-wide quarrel is unfolding before our eyes. We therefore continue the discussion with no further explanation of our intentions. There is one thought we would emphasize again at this point which, if it is accepted objectively, can alter the 'angle' from which the 'quarrels' are viewed and lead to a right understanding of their nature. The thought has already been explained with the help of several examples; here an indication should suffice, of where more facts - whole libraries full of documents and books - can be found. We also consider it necessary, at the beginning of this chapter, to remind the reader of our approach to Zionism - as it has already been presented in this book. In no way do we equate Zionism with the Jewish people; we regard it as a purely political movement, and find, with respect to its racist aims, our view confirmed by United Nations Resolution No. 3379 of November 1975. The form of racism, of racial discrimination, advanced by Zionism has a religious-fundamentalist character, something foreign to Judaism as a religion, as has been stressed by many of the latter's representatives. The political machinations of Zionism in Israel are probably without precedent in world-history. For example, the torture of prisoners while in custody is permitted by law; in order to test the racial purity of Jews applying for immigration the law also allows the carrying out of anthropological investigations, upon the results of which the granting of citizenship depends. The relation of the Jewish people to Zionism corresponds to the relation of the Russian people to Bolshevism, of the German to National Socialism, and of the Italians to Fascism. Slogans like the 'Promised Land' are from the standpoint of their political background no better that the 'earthly Paradise - the dream of mankind', with which the Bolsheviks operated in Russia and 'in the whole of progressive humanity'. The difference between Zionism on the one hand and Bolshevism and National Socialism on the other consists solely in the fact that in the last two cases the peoples concerned, after they had gone through untold suffering, understood that they had been deceived. In the case of Zionism these conclusions have still to be drawn, and the settlement of this account will be more painful than in the two other cases combined. Whoever is able to read our book rightly will also not fail to heed a warning of the utmost seriousness, which is spelled out fully at the end of the book, but to which we would like to refer already: Jesuitism, which draws support from Zionist racism, is using it for the purpose of preparing a world-wide 'racial explosion And when this takes place it will not strike anyone as being a minor affair. In other words the world is moving towards, not a conservative, but a racist revolution.* _____ * The answer to the question why the Jesuits should require this revolution, can be found in the book by K.S. Mereshkovsky to which we referred: The Earthly Paradise(Das Irdische Paradises�; Moskau-Basal-Verlag, 1977). In this question we maintain a purely humanist standpoint, one that is characterized by the love of mankind and deep concern for the future of human cultural life; a standpoint that accords with human reason, and which therefore can only be criticized by people of either hopeless naivety or extreme ill-will. Juridical Absurdities There is one thought to which we would draw attention, which, if it is looked at objectively and without racial preference, can widen our perspective on the 'world-wide quarrel' and lead to an understanding of its nature. Such an understanding could even provide the basis for a lessening of its intensity. It is the following: If all the criteria used to prove that the Germans as a nation, as a folk, i.e. the entire population, are to blame for the fact that National Socialism was able to come to power and commit its crimes, are applied against the Jews in Russia, we must unavoidably conclude that they, as a people, that is, all without exception, are guilty of the fact that Bolshevism came to power in Russia and perpetrated its atrocities, which far outdid those of the National Socialists. The truth, however, is that neither conclusion is correct. But this can only be understood if the whole is viewed from two sides, i.e. if one does something "impermissible'. When we lived in complete isolation in the Soviet Union we believed that an inexorable censorship existed only with us. All the greater was our consternation at what we found in the West when we were first allowed to learn about Western conditions. It turned out that censorship exists there - albeit not in the same form - just as it does with us. In the West the individual is so trained, that of himself he will not pick up a book if the opinion-shaping organs "advise against it'. In Russia most people behaved in this way for the simple reason that one was severely punished for reading forbidden literature. But the Western intellectual already fears the theoretical possibility of not just punishment, but even the tiniest possible disadvantage to his career. Even minimal contact with a way of thinking and viewing things, that deviates from the official (propagandistic) one, he experiences as a lessening of his comfort in life, and he therefore avoids it completely. That it could have consequences for the world and ultimately for his own destiny too - this thought he pushes aside, he does not want to face it. In short: the security forces in the West do not need to persecute the representative of the intellectual life - they have tamed him socially. A Samizdat exists as well, but it is flat, colorless. Mountains of documents could be brought to light in the libraries, but there is hardly anyone who wants to do it. The few individuals who take up the struggle for truth nevertheless, risk everything, just as we do in Russia: their freedom as well as their life. We already spoke of disturbances and arrhythmia in the nervous system and blood circulation suffered by a Western intellectual if he inadvertently stumbles upon the truth. This phenomenon appears particularly repellent in people who claim to be socially awake, or who have even freely taken upon themselves the obligation to stand consciously in their time. We must repeat ourselves at this point (... )* where 'violent reactions' have almost become the foremost criterion of the truth (...) the entire history of Russia over the past 75 years has been a single, unbroken Holocaust; I was born and grew up in the 'gas-chamber' of Bolshevism, where at every step human beings have lost their lives. ______ *Legal restrictions generally in force in Western Europe today obliged the Publisher to shorten this chapter by several paragraphs. We hope that the well-disposed reader will be able to follow the authors train of thought nevertheless! (...) I never harbored any suspicion that there might be something about it that was untrue (...) When we began to travel in the West some of the Russian immigrants warned: 'Here you may profess to anything you like. You can remain a dissident, you can call yourself a Marxist-Leninist, a Maoist or a follower of Pol-Pot; you can live in Germany and tell the Germans to their face that they are chauvinists, you can upbraid the Swiss for their bourgeois ways etc. (...), than when earlier in the Soviet Union a person went into Red Square with an anti-Soviet placard. - But how could anyone question it? - I asked. - So much the better for you personally - was the reply. But there are nevertheless different points of view (...) On the other hand one is allowed to question anything - the infallibility of the Pope, the fact that the earth is round, the integrity of the President of the U.S.A. etc. (...) from this point on one's life will take a downward path. And because it was exactly the same in the Soviet Union (...) I do not claim in any way that this correspondence alone suffices to call in question the greatest tragedy of our century. I only describe what went on in me, a person living in a country where (...) Moreover: there are in Russia today extreme Right-wing forces who claim that Stalin was not at all responsible for the crimes, that to blame him is outright slander. While others try to whitewash the image of Lenin and lay all the blame on Stalin (...) People merely laugh when they hear such things said, and they understand very well that this is no more than a sect of bandits who want to have all their power back. And at the same time more and more material and documents are published which give evidence of the crimes of Bolshevism (...) (...) I do not claim the right to pronounce a judgement for or against these people. I merely remark that all this looks strange and that no-one feels the need to offer any explanation. Or rather, explanations are given, but of the following kind: The attitude of such people is immoral; (...), an argument to be taken seriously. But (...) to this very day *Russian patriots', dyed-in-the-wool secret police lay the blame on the Germans for the execution of Polish officers at Katyn. What would happen if one refused to unmask their lies with the aid of documents (...) ? The falsifiers of history would at once become 'Fighters for the Truth'. (...) (...) _____ * It is not possible for us to bring about this terrible explosion, which is caused in a subtle way in the entire Universe when a human being is poisoned by potassium cyanide. Every time a human being is poisoned by potassium cyanide one should be able to see a small explosion in the sun�. [then] the human being [is] actually [ruining] the sun (Oct. 10, 1923, GA 251). The Spiritual-Scientific Point of View We can also add a few purely spiritual-scientific considerations. It is known that poisoning by cyanide not only kills the body but, as it were, bursts apart the human soul, thereby extinguishing a part of the spiritual force of the sun and with it the physical existence of our planetary system. Even individual cases of death by cyanide shake the cosmos* (�) such deaths signify a declaration of war against the heavens, (�) followed at the very least by a world-wide ecological catastrophe. Such an argument can only be understood if one studies spiritual science seriously and thoroughly. Let us merely recall the consequences of playing with black magic in the epoch of Old Atlantis. Some anthroposophists touch on this theme, but here one always comes back to the same result. (...) the Germans as a nation (...) made themselves into an instrument of Sorat!! This is nothing less than a spiritual-scientific fatuity, a joke. The speculative nature of the mind of the modern European leads him off into intellectual games in which, instead of the living human 'I', a force comes into play which a Moscow author calls the 'ego-computer' Knowledge of the 'behind-the-scenes' factor, of the constellation of geo-political forces spoken of in the previous chapters, does not allow us to believe everything that is asserted by official propaganda (...) But our words are not addressed to the many, only to those who are in a position to grasp the historical symptomatology. We need only consider the 'Jahveizing' of the entire civilization, the unity of the highest leadership of the Orders and Lodges, where Rabbis and Monsignori sit together most amicably. It is there that National Socialism (or Fascism) was "invented'. Two trails have already been recognized and described - one leads to the Vatican, the other to Great Britain (Thule Society etc.). Suvoroy's book also sheds an entirely new light on things. One must, we repeat, read it right through in order to understand that one cannot uphold the view held hitherto regarding the character of the war. But this means that we must literally think everything through again, that has been said about it up till now. For 45 years humanity has been served up with lies when the Second World War is being discussed. As to Soviet ideology, it has already been made clear that literally all elements of which it consists are lies. Two "pillars" of this ideology remain to this day. One of them - the Soviet love for freedom (...) But let us examine the phenomenon of the 'Soviet Union' itself. Suvorov describes how many and which armies were made ready to bring Europe under Bolshevik rule; but this undertaking burst like a soap-bubble. The world trembled for decades in face of the Bolshevik triumph on all the continents. Atomic weapons, submarines, rockets, the gigantic militarization of a vast country, an espionage organization advancing on every front - as the iron talon of power - in the interior of the country, it was indeed the 'thousand-year-Reich' realized in practice! And suddenly it collapsed because the ordinary boy Misha Gorbachev was born, just as old Russia went under simply because in the depths of Simbirsk the ordinary boy Lenin was born! The following principle is active to this day (not only with us, but also in the West): The longer a propagandistic-ideological ghoul lives, the greater the lie and baseness that are concealed behind it. If we wish to arrive at scientific results, this is the inductive conclusion that must be added when we are analyzing the facts of occult-political life! The Brothers and Monsignori of high degrees are no mean methodologists, even if in its reversed aspect. They understand that great historical processes cannot be guided if one pays attention to particulars and small details. It is enough to give the process the required direction, bring two forces into violent opposition with each other - thereafter one needs only to keep general control over these forces. But below, where the 'dialectic" of the battle is played out, one even brings members of the Lodges and Orders to destroy one another. But this battle is always oriented towards a goal. Behind the intention to destroy the peoples of Russia is concealed the prevention of the sixth cultural epoch; a further aim is to procure a potential of cheap raw materials and manpower; a third aim is to overcome the old schism of the Churches. - The national-socialist experiment has as its aim the destruction of the center, whose main task is the development of the 'I. A second goal was the elimination of an economic competitor; and a third, the final eradication of the 'heresy' of the Reformation; the fourth the wiping out of the 'anthroposophical heresy'; and the fifth the prevention of an interrelationship between the German and Russian cultures. For the attainment of all these goals there was no need for the Jews to be destroyed. Of course there was an anti-Semitism in Germany; it was an essential ingredient of the ideology in which the 'Jewish-Freemasonic conspiracy' played the same role as the "world bourgeoisie' in the ideology of Bolshevism. But, if one may use the expression, the "Jewish card' as such is retained for the future - it is yet to be played in the geo-political drama. It will be played in connection with the coming of Ahriman. The incarnation of Ahriman is much talked about by the Right wing and in Russian Church circles. But let us not deceive ourselves: Behind this lies the intention yet again to make an event that ought to be taken very seriously into a propagandistic horror-story. One would actually prefer to keep silent about this incarnation, but since more and more people are hearing of it, a well-tried method is used: Knowledge is made a tool in the relentless spiritual-political struggle.* Here too we need to maintain our balance and grasp the essentials. But the essential is, in fact, the Jews are being prepared for a special mission. _____ * At times the situation looks practically hopeless. Some Christian believers learn through supersensible experience of the imminent approach of the Antichrist and wish fervently to warn others. But the politicians immediately interfere and everything appears in a very distorted light. It is especially important to understand that, just as the Russians were led astray with Bolshevism and the Germans with National Socialism, so one tries today to lead the Jews astray by means of Zionism. But none of these three social experiments is an end in itself; they are only means to reach a different goal. From a more distant perspective it is to frustrate the development of the consciousness-soul; but today everything is used to create the conditions for the incarnation of Ahriman. Humanity had to pay dearly for the socialistic experiment; its clash with the experiment of National Socialism cost a still higher price. But the third experiment, in which the Jews will play the leading role, will ask a price that is scarcely conceivable. The participation of the Jews in the socialistic experiment merely served to prepare them for the role they are to play in the future. Their 'card' was played in a negative sense in the National Socialist experiment. Zionism is the new and more universal vehicle - in contrast to the earlier one - for the imminent future role of the Jews. In the overall scenario the phase of preparation will flow into the phase of realization when Ahriman himself will intervene. The method is simplicity itself: First of all the horrors of socialism are "staged' in order to instill in people a phobia for the word Socialism, thus putting an end, once and for all, to the idea of Social Three-folding. Then one works with the horrors of racism, chauvinism and nationalism in order to create a phobia for what is national, thus abolishing the nations. Americanism hypertrophies individualism to the point of 'narcissism', thus weakening the personality before it can consolidate the individual �I�. The lax, indifferent ideology of �anything goes' serves this goal. And all this together serves as a tool to mix the nations and estrange them from the folk-spirits. In this we recognize the Gondishapur of the 20th century. It was foolish in the extreme to say in Europe from 1917 onwards that the Bolshevik revolution had been an affair of the Russians. It is equally foolish to brand the Germans as the only ones to blame for the unleashing of the two World Wars. But the third foolishness is to blame the Jews for all occult-political evils of this century. All three absurdities can be understood if they are grasped in their reciprocal relation, as links in a chain. But since the representatives of the nations that are led into temptation, themselves persistently speak in favor of the very thing that is leading to their downfall, understanding becomes very difficult. In addition, gigantic efforts are being made behind the scenes, to estrange the nations from one another, stir up hostility between them, and foster national enmities. Here too lies the origin of the agreement between the America and Russian sides in their evaluation of the two World Wars, and much more besides. The well-known Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky rightly says in the epilogue to Suvorov's book: Even today, when the bloody communist secrets are finally out in the open, we continue to search in the jungle of Latin America for old men whose crimes lie a half a century back. But we are indignant when we see Erich Honecker in the dock. How cruel! Such an old and sick man! And we are also sorry for Mikhail Sergeevich [Gorbachev] who - look, how dare they! - is forced to appear in court (no, not before a Nuremberg court, but only before the constitutional court, and not as the accused, but only as a witness). Indeed, do we have the right to call the CPSU a criminal organization? No, it is merely 'unconstitutional'. * ______ * And how about the story of Demyanyuk? The world press said: This is a Nazi criminal. But as it could not be proved, he was released. But even if he was not the one he had been thought to be, he was still a camp guard, only in a different camp. He would have to be brought to trial again, but where should the evidence come from? So he was acquitted etc. This is how Israeli jurisprudence proceeded, which, in respect of the principle of presuming innocence, in no way differs from the American etc. For a while Kol Israel (and also Radio Liberty) spoke of Demyanyuk being deeply impressed by the humanity of the Israeli court that had acquitted him - a Nazi criminal - and wanting to remain in Israel. Immediately the USA reported that he was not allowed back in America. But the Ukraine put an end to the whole business: Demyanyuk was granted permission to return to his homeland, whereupon it was said that he was to be tried on other charges. Demyanyuk (cleared by the courts!) was finally led in handcuffs to the aeroplane and flown to America ... At times one has the incredibly paradoxical thought: God forbid that the 'Holocaust' should prove to be untrue! Or conversely: God grant that there should have been the Holocaust (...). As an Anthroposophist I am duty bound to reflect upon the fact that through the concentration of all mankind over a period of 45 years upon the thought (...) a spiritual counter-image (...). If it corresponds to the truth - then that is one thing, but if it does not, then it means that we are dealing with an astral monster of lies that is trying to become reality, that actually wants to incorporate itself in earthly existence!* _____ *That something similar is already coming about is indirectly confirmed by the book by Rabbi Y. Gershom Beyond the Ashes. - Cases of Reincarnation ( .. ) (see review in the weekly Das Goetheanum, No. 14/15-1995). (...) This is the reason why one needs to summon up one's courage and (...) doubts (...). DOCUMENTS "But what about the facts, the documents!' - the impatient reader has long been calling out to me - 'You ignore the facts!' Not at all. Let us look at the documents. The author had the opportunity to look into a number of books. And we would emphasize again that we do not make a final judgment regarding what did or did not take place. ( ... ). For the present we remain convinced that these questions ought to be examined scientifically, as a whole set of facts not touched on here at all suggest the need for this.* ____ *Following the initial publication of this book the summary opinion arose in certain circles that the author had strayed close to the limit of what is permissible, but had not crossed it. He did not reach the qualifying score whereby the mass-media can charge him with 'the crime of doubt. Possibly this has to do with the fact that the author is Russian and not German; in addition, there was no reason to accuse him of Russian Chauvinism. But not all were capable of maintaining this point of view, in particular not those who experienced disturbances in their circulatory and nervous system, as described in the book. Herr Heisterkamp, for instance, unleashed a hysterical outburst against us, accusing us of all possible and impossible crimes ... certainly without having read the book, or understood it. He does this in exactly the same way dissidents were treated in the former USSR. There, the free journalists of the time wrote about Solzhenitsyn something of this kind: I have not read his books and will not read any critical books. But Solzhenitsyn is a traitor, an enemy of the Soviet people etc.' (...) (...) (...) analysis (...) (with respect to the criteria of anatomy, geometry, the laws of light and shadow, etc), (...) (...) We are concerned here with documents, not with their interpretation. But documents can be genuine or forged. It would be ridiculous for instance to make the correctness of the law of gravitation depend on Newton's religious belief. (...) scientific analysis (...) so long as we are dealing with the destiny of people living today (...) we face the unbounded cynicism of those who stand behind the scenes of world politics, and for whom the destinies of nations are no more than chips on a roulette table - and the croupier is Ahriman himself. But when we observe how even nations and individuals who use their powers of reasoning, the intellectual elite, so to speak, do everything they can to remain chips', then the question arises whether a glimmer of hope still remains. (...) (�) And if a historian refuses for purely emotional reasons (...). When we are dealing with matters of great significance for mankind as a whole, then ethical aristocratism is not the most suitable attitude to adopt. I am pronouncing a verdict on whether (...). I have no judgement in this question. There was a time when I had not the slightest doubt that the 'Holocaust' took place. (...) I would like someone to explain to me (...) then those who (...) will win an additional supporter. But for the moment I remain firmly convinced that (...). (...) But considerations of a humanitarian nature should not be neglected entirely. Inscribed not only in the memory but also in the etheric and physical bodies of Soviet people are the words, rhythm and imagery of a Soviet march: This is in ... Buchenwald The funeral knell, The funeral knell, The dead rise again from the ashes To a new battle To a new battle ... This was truly a ritual march of mighty suggestive force, that had the power to evoke vivid hallucinations: The picture of endless rows, millions of resurrecting dead with ashen faces and burning eyes, marching like the wrath of God to the final attack on capitalism, whose most extreme expression of inhumanity was the �Holocaust. This is how we were brought up. Meanwhile Leninism-Stalinism is now condemned (and quite rightly so) as the world's greatest evil, while capitalism supposedly brings only good. One would very much like to know what attitude one should have today to the march quoted above, one of the most effective horror images of Soviet propaganda. After all, some of us would say at that time, after we had seen through the falsehood of it all: Yes, they lie about everything, (...) we thank them from the bottom of our hearts! We will not speak of how widely and how successfully Soviet propaganda made use of these arguments within its own territory and world-wide. The entire non-Bolshevik Right-wing opposition against the "Perestroika' reminds us basically of the USA and Israel, since all, at least in one question, share the same platform. When Viktor Suvorov's book The Icebreaker appeared it was opposed by the Neo-Bolsheviks in Russia as well as in Germany and Israel (with no arguments provided, of course). - What a strange symptom! Should this not make the advocates of democracy ponder? Now that we are "thinking-through' the Bolshevik lie of the century, how can the virtuous adherents of democracy be allowed to forbid us shedding more light on democracy itself? BABIY YAR There is an official version of the Nazi atrocities which were carried out in Kiev in the district of Babiy Yar. In No. 4 of the volume The Perestroika and the Jewish question (Moscow, 1991), published by the Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public,* an article appeared in commemoration of the Kiev victims of Fascism. It says: Days of Remembrance for the Babiy Yar victims took place this year (1990) from September 25-30, as decided by the Kiev City Council, and had the character of a People's celebration. Articles in newspapers, TV- and radio-broadcasts ... the press-conference 'The Tragedy of Babiy Yar and the Present Day'.�.. Religious worship in the Kiev Synagogue and in Vladimir Cathedral, the laying of wreaths at the memorial for the victims of Babiy Yar. The representative of the president of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the poet Boris Oleynik had traveled from Moscow to commemorate the dead. In his speech he said that shared suffering and shared joy had united the Jewish and Ukrainian peoples .... The concluding call of the poet: 'Long live the great and wise Jewish nation!' was drowned in applause. The secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukraine, a teacher from Israel, a Rabbi and others also spoke. The meeting came to an end with services led by representatives of the Synagogue and the Orthodox Church. These are the most moving moments. Solemnly resound the words of prayer, the people hold lighted candles in their hands. Many women weep. The men too can barely suppress their emotions. _____ * The members committee (now dissolved) were mainly Jews; they rejected Zionism as a political phenomenon (in agreement with the UN-resolution that equates Zionism with racism), but were otherwise concerned about the upholding of the rights of Jews. In a word, the article conveys deep compassion for the Jewish people and is intended to create a similar attitude in the reader. Therefore there is no reason not to accept the content unreservedly. We read further: The mass executions in Babiy Yar lasted for three long years until September 1943 ... Before their withdrawal from Kiev the Nazis dug up the remains of their victims and burned them. In the hope of removing every trace of the crime the executioners scattered the ashes to the four winds. They were mistaken. Still today, nearly half a century later, the ashes of Babiy Yar burn in our hearts. ... a total of around 200,000 people were murdered in Babiy Yar. More than 150,000 of them were Jews. It would be most fitting - the author concludes - on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the tragedy of Babiy Yar, if the facts corresponding to the enormity of the tragedy were to be published at last (p. 7-8). In his final sentence the author clearly wanted to say that there were still more victims. But there are certain inconsistencies. The article says that executions were carried out in Babiy Yar until September 29, 1943, but Kiev was already liberated on November 6, 1943. In the intervening time - before their retreat from Kiev - the Germans had to dig up and burn some 200,000 or even more victims and scatter their ashes to the wind so that no trace remained. Since Kiev was taken by special order of Stalin - by the anniversary of the October Revolution under all circumstances, and without regard for the loss of soldiers (around 500,000 died in the Kiev region) - it would have been impossible for the Germans to know in advance how long they would have to remove the traces of their crime. By the time the Red Army had reached the gates of the city, the Germans can hardly have had the strength or time to burn the corpses. It is known that at that time they even left their own soldiers behind without burial. We must therefore assume that within ten or, at most fifteen days 200,000 corpses were dug up in Babiy Yar and removed without trace! There were no crematoria; thus fires had simply to be started, onto which the corpses and bones were piled, some of which had lain under the earth for two years and were wet through and through. Many dozen such fires were needed, using whole treetrunks piled up in layers. Thus several goods trains loaded with treetrunks were required, and just at a time when the Soviet troops were attacking massively by air and on land!? And what a stench must have spread over Kiev, when hundreds of thousands of corpses were being burned day and night on gigantic bonfires? And where were the thousands of tonnes of human and wood ash 'scattered' in the space of ten days? Etc. If someone objects that such calculations are not conducive to thinking, or that they do not require explanation, then this assertion will only be successful if it is made 'in an angry reaction'. But we would still add to what has been already said: Why then did the Germans not try to hide their crimes in Katyn, where sufficient time was at their disposal? We can justifiably ask such a question if we follow the Soviet version of events in Kiev, which we know was accepted by the whole world. It has since been proved that the crimes of Katyn were committed by Soviet Chekists, where the whole world previously held the Germans responsible; and yet never at any time was the question asked regarding the glaring inconsistency of their behaviour. Without doubt the ethical side of this question must also be considered. It is not easy to make calculations when men can barely suppress their emotions. But in other cases one does just this - the remains of the Polish officers are dug up and examined. It seems quite logical that the truth has to be proved in every point, and that it is justified to raise doubts until this has been done. The remains of the Tsar's family, murdered by the Bolsheviks, were brought to London for autopsy seventy-five years after the fact, to ascertain their identity* (...) of anti-Fascist physicists (...). _____ * After the autopsy Radio Liberty reported that the remains were not those of the Tsar's family, but a few days later it said without comment that they were nevertheless. The BBC made an extremely puzzling statement: It is time for the Vatican and the KGB to open their archives and report what actually happened to the Tsar's family. This is how truth is dealt with in our century! And further: the Cheka people at the time were unable to make twelve corpses disappear without a trace! They dismembered, burned, treated them with strong sulphuric acid, and traces were left all the same. JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS AND THE THIRD REICH One can of course forbid people asking �awkward' questions, but the people will only be strengthened and will appear in growing numbers, since we live in the age of reason. And this leads us to the thought: Could it be that with the creation of the foundations (...) the possibility for their refutation was created at the same time? If we view this question within the wider context of the occult-political world game, we have the impression that certain forces are playing va banque with the Jewish �card'. It was basically the same with the Soviet 'card' (consider the willingness of Lenin to sacrifice 90% of Russia's population) and the German card (the Nero Command, according to which the retreating German army was to destroy their own cities and industry; the mobilization and front-line service of 15-16 year-olds in the last year of the war), also the Iranian (where children were sent into the minefields with little golden keys to paradise in their hands) and the Cambodian. If, not even we, the anthroposophists, can grasp that these are all different masks of one and the same evil, then our whole love for mankind and our hope to serve the Christ, is worthless. The understanding of historical symptomatology does not simply come as a gift from Heaven. The wish and at the same time the courage are needed to study the historical documents, however disturbing they may be - disturbing in the sense of the way truth sometimes affects us when it unexpectedly appears from under the sedimentary deposits of lies. To such shattering truths belong the generally quite unknown facts concerning the relationship of the various Jewish groups to the National Socialist regime. Who for instance knows today that in Germany between the two World Wars 70,000 Jews joined the so-called *Central Association' of the German citizens of Jewish faith, who stood completely behind German national interests; over against this, the "Zionist Association of Germany', on the other hand, had only 10,000 members. In addition there were a further 10,000 German Jews in the 'National Association of Jewish Front-line soldiers' and the same number in the 'Association of National-German Jews'. An umbrella organization for the various groups, called the 'National Representation of German Jews', was also established, in 1933. From this it is clear that Zionism in Germany at that time was no more than a marginal phenomenon. The majority of Jews stood behind Germany, and even behind the National Socialist government, from which the nationally-inclined Jews hoped to see the enforcement of a stop to the immigration of Eastern Jews, whose numbers were steadily increasing and by 1933 had risen to nearly 100,000. In 1989 the German edition appeared of a book by Francis Nicosia: The Third Reich and The Palestine Question. It belongs to the kind of literature that is characterized by open opinion as objective and liberal. H.J. Koch, Professor of the University of York (England) writes in the foreword: The leaders of assimilated Jewry in Germany tried to curb this immigration by petitioning Reich Presidents Ebert and von Hindenburg. They unsuccessfully demanded a stop to immigration, on the grounds that the process of assimilation was endangered by newcomers (p. 8). After the declaration of war on Germany by World-Jewry on March 24, 1933 - initiated by American Jews and spoken of earlier in our book -, according to Prof. Koch the 'National Association of Jewish Frontline soldiers' addressed the Reichs Chancellor with the following words: We fervently wish to put all our strength, life and activity into the national reconstruction of Germany, be it for the peaceful building up of the Reich or the defending of it against threats from without (p.12). The other Jewish organizations in Germany, including the 'Zionist Association', reacted similarly. The honorary president of the 'Association of National-German Jews', Dr. Max Naumann, made the following declaration in Neues Wiener Journal on March 31, 1933: I do not need to tell you that I am absolutely opposed to these allegations of German atrocities. I see in this campaign nothing but a new version of the war propaganda against Germany and its former Allies. Down to the methods used and details of its content it is exactly the same as before, when there was talk of severed children's hands and gouged-out eyes, even of the industrial use of corpses, human corpses were said to have been used for the production of fat-substitutes. The assertions made today correspond to this exactly, when they say that mutilated corpses of Jews lie in heaps before the cemeteries, that no Jew can appear in the streets without being attacked. Acts of violence have taken place, but only in isolated cases. They are to be regarded, without doubt, as the special action of individuals, such as occurs in any nation and in any organization .... The leadership of the NSDAP and the entire Reichs government have always stated categorically that they will intervene without mercy in any such case that comes to their attention. It is indeed known to me that in such cases drastic action was taken by the authorities... The American Jew Lenni Brenner speaks even more openly than Max Naumann, in his book Zionism in the Age of Dictators, published in Westport in 1983. We quote a passage also taken from the German foreword by Prof. Koch to Nicosia's book, according to which Brenner writes that the Zionist movement in the German Reich had little interest in cooperating with the Weimar Republic, but saw its 'natural' conversation partner in the NSDAP. Prof. Koch comments: The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 ... did not disturb the informal alliance between Zionism and National Socialism. On the contrary: the more the screws were tightened, the more welcome this was for the Zionists who hoped, on this path, to ascend to the majority within German Jewry (p. 21f). Another point made by Prof. Koch should not be overlooked, according to which, camps were set up in Germany to prepare Jews for emigration to Palestine. The Transfer Agreement signed in August 1933 between the Zionists and the German Reich (known as "Paltreu', or 'Haavara") granted the German Jews favorable terms for travel to Palestine. The strict currency regulations in force in Germany at that time were, for the most part, waived by this agreement for the Jews who were prepared to emigrate to Palestine. Edwin Black describes this in his book The Transfer Agreement (London-New York, 1984): The preparation of a homeland in Palestine for ... persons still living in Germany represented within the framework of the German currency regulations an unusual departure from the law prohibiting investments abroad by German nationals. As late as 1937 and 1938 shipment - now illegal - of Jews from Germany to Palestine was still taking place. The Arab revolt and the lowering of the immigration quota by the British made the immigration policy, which had so far received official support from Germany, impossible for the Jews. But this was not the only case of collaboration between the National Socialists and the Zionists. In Paris, in 1937, the forerunner of the Israeli secret service "Mossad', the 'Mossad le Aliyah Bet' ('Office for the second homecoming) was founded in order to bring Jews to Palestine in ways prohibited at that time (by the British). This 'original Mossad' established contact with the Berlin authorities, including SS and Gestapo, and received much assistance from them. Through a decree issued in December 1938, Jewish concentration-camp prisoners willing to emigrate to Palestine could obtain immediate release; Zionist agents were even allowed to visit the camps for enlistment. This co-operation is documented up to 1942 (Archive Koblenz, R58/276, B1.165). Britain's blockade of the English Channel after the outbreak of the war also hindered these attempts at emigration. In 1941 the notorious anti-British terror group 'National Military Organization' ('NMO'), better known by the name 'Irgun Zvai Le'umi', to which such personalities as the later Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin belonged, approached the Reich's government with a letter. This letter, also quoted by L. Brenner, is in the Federal Archive in Koblenz and is dated November 1, 1941. It says: The evacuation of the Jewish masses from Europe is the prerequisite to the solution of the Jewish question; but this can be fully realized only through the settling of these masses in the homeland of the Jewish people, in Palestine, and the setting up of a Jewish State within its historical boundaries ... The NMO is well aware of the goodwill of the Reichs government towards Zionist activities and emigration plans and is of the following opinion: 1. Common interests can exist on one hand between the establishment of a new order in Europe, in conformity with the corresponding concept of Germany, and on the other with the true national aspirations of the Jewish people, embodied in the NMO. 2. Mutual cooperation between the new Germany and a renewed folk-national Judaism would be possible. 3. The establishing of a historical Jewish State on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by contract to the German Reich, through which the former's interests in the Near East and the strengthening of its positions there would be secured and strengthened for the future. Proceeding from these conditions, the NMO in Palestine would, after receiving guarantees with respect to all national demands of the Israeli freedom movement, actively enter the war on the side of Germany. This offer by the NMO .� would need to be accompanied by an agreement that secures the military training and organization of the Jewish human reserves in Europe under the command of the NMO... The indirect participation of the Israeli freedom movement within the framework of the new order in Europe that is already in its initial stages, would be closely linked to a positive radical solution of the European Jewish problem, in conformity with the above-mentioned aspirations of the Jewish people. This would mean a tremendous strengthening of the moral foundation of the new order in relation to mankind as a whole. In its ideology and structure the NMO is closely allied to the totalitarian movements of Europe' (Foreign ministry Records, E234 158). L. Brenner comments: There is no stronger evidence than this of the fact that the legacy of the cooperation of the Zionists with the Fascists and National Socialists, and the philosophies guiding them, have remained active into the Israel of today (quoted from Nicosia, p. 25ff). Thus developed the relations between the Third Reich and the Zionist movement. We leave it to the reader to judge what constitutes anti-Semitism: to speak about these facts or to keep silent about them? - and turn now to the question, what role was played by America? The US historian David S. Wyman reports in his book The Abandonment of the Jews. America and the Holocaust, which was published in New York in 1984 and caused quite a stir. In its commentary to this book the New York Times wrote that the readiness of the USA and its allies to make any sacrifice in order to save the Jews was practically nil. Wyman reports that the 'Emergency Committee for the Salvation of the Jews of Europe', newly founded in 1943, was opposed by the American Zionist leaders. He further states that in the press conferences of the President (which usually take place twice a week) not a word was mentioned until Autumn 1943 about the German campaign of extermination against the Jews of Europe. Wyman concludes that there was simply little interest in saving the Jews. This interest was lacking in Zionist-establishment Jewish circles and also in all Western, or Allied, governments and parliaments. TRUTH AND FICTION Let us return to our analysis of the 'crime of the century'. Among the eyewitnesses one can find quite remarkable people whose statements can prompt us to deep reflection of an opposite kind. Thus the Montreal journal Gazette reports on August 5, 1993 on a 60-year old Holocaust survivor. As an 11-year-old boy he was sent at least six times into the gas-chambers of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but each time he survived, watching with horror as many of the women and children gassed with him collapsed and died. To this day, [Moshe] Peer doesn't know how he was able to survive the gassing. In an interview he replied as follows to the question how he could explain this phenomenon: 'Maybe children resist better; I don�t know. A clear-headed German, after he had read this, addressed the following question to the Attorney General: Do I have the right to doubt the statement of this witness?' The answer, accompanied by many reservations, was: "In this particular case you have the right.' - This means that one will not be prosecuted for this doubt. But in this case a further unsettling question arises: Is it conceivable that a State can allow itself such a degree of judicial frivolousness? Or, as this German expresses it: Do we have to listen to every swindle, every lie, and for generations submit to their consequences? And we take the liberty to ask another question: what really did take place in Bergen-Belsen? Dr. Martin Broszat, former director of the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich provides the answer. He writes in a letter to Die Zeit, published on August 19, 1960: Neither in Dachau, nor Bergen-Belsen, nor Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners poisoned by gas. The gas-chamber in Dachau was never quite completed and 'put into operation'. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners who died in Dachau or other concentration camps in the territory of the old Reich were victims above all of the catastrophic conditions of hygiene and distribution ... The mass-extermination of Jews by gassing began in 1941/42 and took place exclusively in a few places selected for the purpose, which had been provided with the necessary technical installations, mainly in occupied Polish territory (but nowhere in the old Reich): In Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Sobibor am Bug, in Treblinka, Chelmno and Belzec ... It was there, but not in Bergen-Belsen, Dachau or Buchenwald, that the mass-extermination systems disguised as showers or disinfection-rooms were erected... This is also confirmed by Prof. Hellmut Diwald in the Propyl�en Standard Work History of the Germans of 1978: ... Visitors to the concentration camp in Dachau were shown gas-chambers in which the SS had purportedly killed up to twenty five thousand people a day, although these rooms were mock-ups that the American military had forced imprisoned SS-members to build after the capitulation. It was a similar situation in the notorious Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where fifty thousand prisoners are said to have been murdered. In reality around seven thousand inmates died in the years that the camp existed, from 1943 to 1945, and most of them died in the last months of the war as a result of epidemics and malnutrition, the supply of medication and food having collapsed because of the bombing raids. The British commander who took over the camp after the capitulation affirmed that crimes on a large scale had not been committed in Bergen-Belsen. It remains for us to emphasize that we have here referred to statements and documents that are not secret, but in every case available to the general public.* ______ * Parallel to this we have, in these last pages, shed light on the theme of 'The Werewolf as the archetypal phenomenon' (Type) of present-day man. Too many meetings with him can drive one to despair, which is why we avoid recognizing him. Let us look at yet another specimen. We mean the Croatian president Tudjman. As a Jew he worked together with the National Socialists during the Second World War. In Tito's times he was regarded as a model Bolshevik, i.e. Internationalist. Now he has become an exemplary Croatian Nationalist and friend of the thorough and principled Western democrats. The most striking impression is made by the book Hitler's Willing Executioners by the American author of Jewish descent, Daniel Goldhagen, published in London in 1996. The book was an instant sensation in Europe and the USA; it received numerous enthusiastic reviews in newspapers, extensive coverage in TV-programes and scientific discussions. The most surprising thing is the following: Goldhagen openly declares: ... contrary to both scholarly and popular treatments of the Holocaust, gassing was really epiphenomenal to the Germans' slaughter of Jews (p. 521). Right at the beginning of the book the author declares the version spread by scientists, according to which the greater part of the Jews were murdered in gas chambers, a myth. As a counter-weight he puts forward his contention that all Germans, from the smallest to the biggest, killed Jews anywhere and everywhere with delight and enthusiasm, and therefore are and remain as a nation racists and criminals. A position such as Goldhagen's is, according to all anti-racist laws worldwide, radically racist. And yet no legal action was taken against him. Nor was he charged in connection with the fact that he not only doubted the official version of the 'Holocaust', but actually rejected it. This official version, which must be accepted by everyone without exception, is as follows: During the Second World War six million Jews were mainly murdered in gas-chambers (above all in Auschwitz). The four components six million, Auschwitz, Nazis, gas-chambers became a kind of formula for absolute evil. The formula is said to have been completely and finally proved. Anyone who doubts it is a racist and must therefore be prosecuted. But Goldhagen takes from it at least two elements, with which he engages in a racism of outrageous proportions which is an offense to millions of Germans living today, and for this he is applauded by the media throughout the world. A Jew of Polish descent, Michel Korzec published an article entitled The Myth of Efficient Mass Murder in the Dutch newspaper Intermediair on December 15, 1995, a few months before Goldhagen. He claims, in anticipation of Goldhagen, that only 700,000-800,000 Jews were exterminated in gas chambers, the other five million were killed by other methods. Korzec too has remained unpunished to this day. We would also present the views of two Frenchmen, both of whom conduct research into the problem of the 'Holocaust', but who met with a fate of an entirely different nature. One, Jacques Baynac, states that there is no proof for the 'Holocaust', but he believes that it took place. The second, Robert Faurisson, says there is no proof, therefore he refuses to believe in it. - Of the first it is said that he has the right to freedom of expression, the second stood trial countless times for his opinion and was punished with heavy fines. And in conclusion we would mention the famous French communist and philosopher Roger Garaudy. At one time in the Soviet Union he was severely criticized by all the Bolshevist mass-media as a renegade and revisionist, because he had presumed to doubt in Marxism-Leninism as the only true doctrine in world history, which is no doubt very much to Garaudy's credit as a human being. In his book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, published in Paris in 1996, he speaks of the inadequacy of the evidence for the 'Holocaust' He declares forthrightly that he does not believe in it and that he considers the figure of six million to be much exaggerated. THE "DUMBING DOWN" IDEOLOGY Thus we see that there is no shortage of documents that can reveal to us the nature and the scope of these va banque games with entire nations, which we have analyzed here. All that is needed is courage in the question of the truth. If we have this courage, the knowledge attained will allow the good forces to bring corrections into the game. They do this without fail, as Rudolf Steiner expressed it in a meditation: If souls, conscious of the spirit, Guide their thoughts into the spirit-realm. There is no doubt that, so long as the Germans are forcibly bent to the earth with the help of the 'children of Ahasuerus' they will be powerless to rise again. And so long as this situation prevails there are prospects of success for the forces of the Right, down to the most radical among them. It is similar in Russia, where it was also impossible for a Right-wing nationalist opposition not to arise. All this can end very badly, if in Russia as well as Germany only the 'Right' can give expression to the legitimate national interests. Here things have reached the point where the entire problematics of the Second World War is basically reduced by the mass-media to the confrontation of Jews and Nazis. Something very similar is brewing up in Russia. Formerly the ideology was dominated by the radiant figure of the communist who was saving the world from the 'brown pest'. Now Bolshevism is put on the rack. But this is done in such a foolish and primitive way, again so much on the level of ideology, that gradually a single idea outweighs all others in people's consciousness: The fall of Bolshevism is the work of Jews; they had their reason to keep silent about it, but what they say shows itself in practice to be worse than Bolshevism. Indeed, society is faced with the dilemma: If you are against Bolshevism, then you must also be interested in strengthening and developing the State of Israel. But at the same time: If you have no sympathy for the ideas of Zionism, you are either a Neo-Bolshevik or a Neo-Nazi. There is no third possibility! A similar thing happens with the Germans: They are continually asked: 'Are you against Nazism?' -Yes' - they reply. "Then you must express your sympathy for the State of Israel, approve of all the means it uses to achieve its aims, and support it in every conceivable way.' "We do all that'- the Germans reply. Now the Germans of the 'Right' interfere and ask their compatriots the following question: �But what comes of all this? You turn against one nationalism and support another? You are simply being led by the nose! Why should we defend a foreign racism that is harmful to ourselves? We should rather develop our own, one that serves the interests of our nation. As to racism or nationalism as such, they can be found everywhere in the world. Anyway, you should read what Goldhagen says. You are looking down the barrel of a gun, as a reward for your obedience, your repentance, your willingness to donate billions of Marks; you are Nazis all the same, racist, chauvinist, revanchists. It is the form of modern political struggle, and sentimentality does not help a bit. A battle is being waged for the survival of nations and anything goes. Israel is a prime example.' Thus the world is being led to democracy and 'happiness'. We can of course veil ourselves in silence and say: People are not only incapable, they don't want to understand what is happening to them; they prefer a �reassuring' lie to the truth. We can do no more than wait until further world-wide tragedies open their eyes and teach them to develop a sense of responsibility for things that are beyond the end of their nose. For what is the truth of the situation? - Those who live in the West would, even if we in the East were to cut each other's throats, not show the slightest reaction, because then, so they think, the danger from the East with which one has scared them for so long would have finally disappeared altogether. But we in the East would not shed a tear either, if those over in the West would suddenly and unexpectedly go to the Devil. Under the present circumstances such a "philosophy of life' could be reflected upon. But it is inhuman to philosophize in this way. And there is nothing sentimental in the thought that in order to subscribe to that philosophy one would have had to give up entirely the feeling for the common destiny that unites all mankind. But everybody talks this way. Humanism has become a political fashion. We, the people of the 20th century, are being put to the test in what occultism calls the 'trial of air'. Life takes away from the human being every external support; still more - it demands that he should support himself on something impossible. The shape of things today is such that one is obliged to be A Nationalist-Internationalist A Racist of anti-racist convictions A wise fool A foolish wise man One who loves the beauty of ugliness An honest scoundrel A lover of truth who lacks conscience One who defends immorality with moral pathos An ethical rascal A lover of hatred One who lies while looking the other honestly in the eye One who honestly speaks in defense of the lie One who strives for the good by doing only evil One who enforces freedom by violent means One who fights for democracy with dictatorial methods etc. A large number of people already master all these 'virtues. Most of them are in politics, finance, the media, and also among the occultists. These people oppose the natural course of history, try to abolish it and take the fate of the whole of humanity into their own hands; they create the world of modern 'culture', they direct education, and altogether bring about a purely Ahrimanic civilization. THE TASKS OF A DECENT PERSON AT THE END OF THE 20TH CENTURY Regular relationships between the nations have become impossible in our time, because they are overloaded with national prejudices and thus all the 'waters' of the relationships between nations are 'muddied'. Behind the loud outcry against National Socialism is everywhere concealed an openly chauvinistic politics. But all are afraid to speak the truth, since they would immediately be accused of chauvinism themselves. We refer again to Vladimir Bukovsky, who writes in the above-mentioned epilogue: For here, too, in the West there are mighty political forces who make any wiseacre who speaks out unwelcome truths at the wrong time, very unhappy. And yet we must still 'speak out'. It would be useful for the Germans to understand that all the forces that favor democracy, in their own country and in the world at large, are changelings - behind the scenes they also support the Right extremists.* In order to grab a nation by the throat both hands are needed. Then one can control the supply of air and blood to the whole organism. For example, 40'000 gypsies from Romania unexpectedly emigrate to Germany. Naturally there is a protest. (What country would welcome them? England? Israel?) But the protest comes only from the Right. Then the Israeli Likud proclaims in righteous indignation: The devil take all diplomatic relations with Germany, until they have finally learned to respect the immigrants. The 'Jewish Defense League' of Rabbi Baruch Ben-Josef threatens: Whenever a Nazi raises his head, we will cut it off. ____ * Doubters should take a look at the Russian phenomenon of Zhirinovsky - a creature of Gaidar, the staunchest representative of American interests in Russia And even in the anthroposophical press the outcry is raised: It is a sick society! Does Germany really have a mission? Does it still have a folk-spirit? - But why not raise an outcry, as it is 'harmless' and pays off big 'dividends' for one's career. The standpoint of Salcia Landmann sounds very different. She writes quite candidly that not in every case is a mixing of races useful. She goes on to list the anti-Semites since Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. In her opinion Luther was nothing less than a forerunner of the National Socialists. She also includes: Shakespeare, J. G. Fichte, Dostoyevsky, Gogol etc. In a TV-interview she puts forward the thesis according to which every believing Christian is a potential anti-Semite, and in the book she concludes that the Jewish State is built on the hatred of the entire human race (emphasis by the present author). The 'foot' that is placed on the neck of the Anglo-Saxon peoples will be very heavy in the near future, heavier than it has ever been since the beginning of the world, and than it will ever be in future (cf. Matthew 24; 21). The Jews will be in a particularly dangerous situation; they are basically the only nation that is awaiting the first (physical) coming of the Messiah. Their guide, Ahasuerus, is related through an inner astral affinity to the retarded Time-Spirit that leads the American nation. It is not by chance that Woodrow Wilson expressed himself in the sense that he has special sympathies for the Jewish nation. When we know that the temporary incorporation of Ahriman took place in Wilson, we can easily understand how such a 'sympathy' gives little occasion for joy. Today the Jews are being led astray to a degree that is quite unbelievable. This is done with the use of a well-tried method: a materialistic, literal interpretation of their myths is elaborated, and on this basis is erected a nationalist ideology. We recall that the Northern Germanic myths were treated in the same way, and we all know the result! But we have not learnt any lesson from it. One tries in the same way to think through again Russian mythology and the pagan past. We must learn to recognize this danger and free ourselves from the opinion that such things are permitted to some and not to others. Rudolf Steiner warned of this danger and dealt extensively with the esoteric meaning of the myths, revealing their universal human significance. In one of his lectures he says: Before the Christ-impulse became active in the development of the earth through the Mystery of Golgatha, the people out of which the Christ Jesus had just been born regarded itself as the chosen people. It believed that the earth could only become happy if all else were to die out and only the members of this nation would fill the entire earth. In a certain sense this was a firm belief, because the God Jahve had chosen this people as his people and because Jahve was seen as the one and only God. It was a justified view of the ancient Hebrew people for the time before the Mystery of Golgatha took place on earth, because Christ Jesus was to come forth from this ancient Hebrew people. But this consciousness should have ceased with the appearance of the Mystery of Golgatha on earth. Afterwards this consciousness was anachronistic, afterwards the Jehovah-consciousness should have been replaced by the Christ-consciousness, which speaks as much of the human being as the Jahve-people spoke of the members of only one nation. It is the tragic fate of the Jewish people that it did not recognize this to be the case ... To establish a nation today is to revert to the Old Testament (Feb. 11, 1919, GA 193). We may add that the tragic fate of the Jewish nation could even worsen in the future, accompanied by fanfares of victory, in which there resound only the antiquated views of the Old Testament. In it there lives the expectation of the Messiah as an earthly ruler. For even Judas did not betray Christ in the trivial sense of the word. He wanted to confront the Christ with the necessity of becoming an earthly ruler; he wanted to force Him to defend His life. For the individual this mistake ends in a catastrophe; it will also end in a catastrophe for all those who consider themselves the 'children of Ahasuerus', which incidentally is also experienced by the emigrants from the Soviet Union, 90% (and more) of whom try to settle elsewhere than in Israel. This is why the brothers of Christ among the Jews have to oppose the Zionism of the 'children of Ahasuerus'. Ludwig Thieben recognized this thought very clearly, while it is obviously genetically foreign to Salcia Landmann; it is just as foreign to some people who call themselves Anthroposophists. Salcia Landmann is undoubtedly the victor in the outer world. But the conditions are different in the anthroposophical movement. It is no accident that many Jews join this movement. In so doing they are following the mission of their pre-earthly life to resist the 'children of Ahasuerus' and thereby save themselves and the whole of humanity. But if they are overcome by the hypnotic influence of the propaganda-machinery, and do not fulfill this task, it will have a deforming effect on their karma. They should understand that in former lives they were incarnated in other peoples, and that also in future incarnations they will not be Jews. There is a crucial difference between them and the fanatical adherents of Zionism, who have already lived through several incarnations in one and the same people, and have therefore fallen a prey to its double. The souls who remain with one people inevitably stay behind and express themselves in a nationalistic manner. It is indeed necessary to understand that souls incarnate at present in Jewish bodies for the most varied reasons. One stream, for example, is formed by those who are moving in their individual evolution from East to West. Such souls have great difficulty connecting to the intellectualism of the West and, in order to make this easier, karma allows them to incarnate in bodies where they can draw the propensity for abstract thinking from the forces of heredity. Among Russian Jews there are many distinct followers of Eastern teachings, as is normal in the case of the Indians, Tibetans or Japanese. The Jews who turn to spiritual science have taken up in their karma the voluntary and sacrificial task of helping their people towards the Christ. This was especially apparent with Ludwig Thieben. Carl Unger was certainly one of them too. The Jewish incarnation is full of responsibility, and of dangers. Ahriman knows that if the Jews are divided, and the brothers of Christ help the 'children of Ahasuerus' to recognize their mistake, his incarnation will be greatly harmed. In his vision of the future, Vladimir Solovyev describes how the Jews at a certain moment will recognize and overthrow the Antichrist who will come to them as the Messiah. Let us hope that this will really happen. In Dornach in 1996 an artist recited V. Solovyev's story of the Antichrist, but omitted everything that has to do with the Jews. Should it really occur to anyone to count Solovyev among the anti-Semites? Rudolf Steiner says that Ahriman will not come as an oppressor but as a seducer, and that the terrible consequences of his seduction will only become visible to souls when they have left their bodies. Countless temptations of this kind are already active in humanity, with incredible success. It seems as if the world is only waiting for their number, their variety and also their force to multiply. The situation is different for those who have already understood this, and are consciously preparing themselves for Ahriman's incarnation. They will not be showered with his 'gifts'. All people, regardless of their spiritual and religious convictions, need to understand this. But a struggle that will be particularly difficult awaits the Jews. They will need the help of others, they will themselves have to exert all their strength, and in a special way, with threefold energy of soul and spirit, unite with the content and nature of spiritual science in order to learn social understanding entirely free of national and racial prejudice. They should not strive to take on leading functions within the Anthroposophical Society or within anthroposophical initiatives, because their forces will not be sufficient for two tasks. The battle for the salvation of humanity takes place, not on the path of administration, but in the spirit. The dark forces behind the scenes resort to direct confrontation, to the mutual aggression of two national groups in the conditions of war, only when, in a more or less peaceful period, they have laid the ground for the achievement of their aims. This is why the battle of knowledge against world wars has to take place before they arise. A war can be prevented if the intelligence of a nation is able to judge other peoples by putting themselves in their place. Let us recall how fervently the Jews of antiquity defended their mission from the aggression of neighbouring peoples. Something similar is taking place with the Middle European nations today (the surrounding nations are mistaken to believe that the destiny of Germany is not their concern). In the instinct of these peoples there lives the will to defend their mission - to create a culture of I' consciousness and, in the next cultural epoch, seek the connection to Eastern Europe. But - some of those who understand this will object - not all Germans act accordingly, as for instance Goethe, Novalis and others acted. - How absurd?! What people could live up to that expectation? And the relation to the great Germans has already lessened. Here is one example. The English Publisher Paul Hamlyn published a richly-illustrated series The Lives of Famous People. One of the volumes is devoted to Goethe. What are we told about the German poet and natural scientist? (The text is written - how could it be otherwise? - by a German.) - That he was a quite ordinary philanderer who cruelly broke women's hearts and preferred married ladies to young girls (because it was less dangerous!). He had no warmth of heart for his own parents. He once journeyed to Italy, mainly to get to know the ladies there; he used up a large amount of State funds to no particular advantage. (We are not exaggerating in the least; this is what is said in the book.) His works? - Nothing special. In G�tz he glorified war, brute force; Werther drove several youths to suicide. The prototypes for his heroines he found in his mistresses; among them Gretchen too - she was Goethe's first. On top of all this the poet displayed cowardice. He was the first to flee from Napoleon, and later he only thought of how he could secure his own well-being, etc., etc. But what are we to say of Goethe, if some people to this day cannot forgive a Paracelsus, a Saint-Martin and even a Plato and Aristotle for their views? We must grasp the crux of the matter: In the world today a fierce battle is being waged against the unfolding of the free spirit, of the free human individuality. Every conceivable means is set in motion. But not all means can be used. With regard to its spiritual mission, the connection of a nation to its spirit-leader is like a 'central nerve' of the entire national being. This nerve must not be touched, otherwise in the manner of a pure reflex movement a defensive reaction could be set off, that has no regard for anything! Outwardly such a phenomenon could take on a thoroughly objectionable character, just as the action of a human being whom one is trying to strangle, drown, or stab to death will not be aesthetically pleasing. There is no people who can be subjected to trials without limit; it would then become capable of anything. The inspirators behind the scenes know this and in their game of va banque try even to tempt the heavens - through ideology, through terror, and through countless human sacrifices in the wars. This one must understand in its method and its mode of action, in order not to be guilty of complicity in the Mystery of destruction. Authors Notes: 1. I need to repeat here - inasmuch as we have come to a subject of vehement reaction, which is the highest criterion of truth - (I am thinking of the theme of the Holocaust) - that if they say to me that I am a mere bystander, that I cannot experience it from within, then to this I reply that the whole history of Russia for the last 75 years is one single Holocaust. I was born and raised in the gas-chambers of Bolshevism, where people fell and continued to fall down dead at every step. The theme of the Holocaust in the Soviet mass-media is treated just as in the Anglo-American media. I grew up with this subject and was educated with it. I never entertained the shadow of a suspicion that something in this subject might not correspond to reality. The entire population of Eastern Europe today lives in complete certainty that the world is simply overloaded with incontrovertible evidence of a crime for the equal of which there is no evidence in the history of mankind. 2. There is only one thing you never dare to do, and that is to doubt the official version of the Holocaust. It would be just as dangerous, or even more so, as it would have been formerly in the Soviet Union to go out into Red Square with an anti-Soviet banner. "But how can one doubt it?" I asked. They replied, "So much the better for you personally." But there are a number of factors to consider. After some time, I came across these various considerations, but rejected them without discussion. Yet one circumstance forced me to think about them. I discovered that in the West there is an official ban on doubting the truth of the official version of the "Holocaust". For anyone who doubts it or considers the well-known evidence insufficient, they don't discuss it with him, they throw him into prison for several years. You can doubt anything you like: the infallibility of the Pope, the fact that the Earth is round, the respectability of the U.S. President, etc. But if, under the impression of any doubt, you simply ask for information - what will you be told about this by those who are officially involved with Nazi crimes? How do they refute these facts? - Then be assured of it, from that moment your life's path will go sharply into a downward slope. Just as in the Soviet Union it was like this in relation to the One Truth, which cost us millions of lives, I could not let such a fact pass by unnoticed. I do not affirm that just one such correspondence is sufficient to cast into doubt the greatest tragedy of our century. I simply relate how it was for me, a person living in a country where ther was a complete absence of any ground for such doubts. I will say, moreover, that we now have extreme Right-wingers (in Russia) who claim that Stalin is guilty of nothing, that he is being slandered. Others try to cleanse the image of Lenin, and blame all on Stalin. It is somewhat analogous to the position of the extreme Right in Europe, but there are differences. Ilere in Russia it would not occur to anyone to throw such doubters into jail (- at least until such time as we have another dictatorship-). Too many facts speak against them. People simply laugh when they hear their speeches, and understand that they are dealing here with a group of old bandits struggling for power. But parallel to this there are, needless to say, continually being published new material, documents, uncovering the crimes of Bolshevism. Not one "Bolshevik" would think of offering a prize to anyone who could prove with documents in hand that the crimes of the Bolsheviks really took place. So no amount of money would suffice to pay such prizes. But doubters of the Holocaust did offer such a prize (in the USA). However, only one person came forward, but without documents. And the institution in question fizzled out. There are people in Europe (one of them Irving, a prominent English historian) who suggested starting a lawsuit against them for their doubts, thereby enabling them to put forward the documentary foundation for their doubts. They are not starting such a lawsuit. They simply get the label "neo-Nazi" pinned to them, even if they are not Germans and are strongly opposed to National Socialism.. I do not propose to judge either for or against these people. I simply state that all this looks rather strange, and no-one gives any explanation. Or to put it more accurately, they do give them, but in such a form: the position of such people is immoral; it is an outrage to the memory of the victims. This is a serious argument. however, wouldn't it be better to pillory those who try to deny an old evil? Here in Russia, for example, �patriots" from among the diehard Chekists still try to blame the shooting of the Polish officers at Katyn on the Germans. What if people refused to provide documentary refutation of their lies, but simply introduced into the law-book an Article penalizing them for such a claim? The falsifiers would turn into fighters for truth. There is still one more weak point in the moral defence of the Holocaust. In the Western press in the last 3 or 4 years claims have begun to emerge that the victims of the Holocaust were not 6 million, but 11 million. This issue is raised from the Israeli side and mainly on an economic basis: shouldn't we make the Germans pay compensation for another 5 million victims? Recently the rate of exchange of English currency fell sharply on the world market. It was claimed that it was not the British economy or the financial system that was responsible, but the Germans. Concessions were demanded of them, which probably amounted to hundreds of millions of Marks, if not more. The Germans stood firm, and suddenly in Bonn appeared a representative from Israel who raised the question of compensation for the 5 million new victims, which at today's prices would mean doubling the compensation already paid by Germany, amounting in direct monetary terms to more than 100 billion Marks. Besides this, there had already been talk of payments for the extermination of the Gipsies, concerning which there had for some reason been silence for 45 years, and also of compensation for those killed in the War on the Soviet side. But some time passed, the pound recovered, and talk of new compensation shifted to another level. All this happened in 1992 before the eyes of all Europeans. And no-one was concerned about the immorality of such behaviour. For if 11 million Jews really had been eliminated, there would have been documents on the table and a new trial, and not so much for the sake of money as for the defence of truth, and to expose the nature of evil. At the same time the "doubters" were to receive their just deserts, but nothing of the sort happened. 3. 6 million such victims is a challenge to Heaven, to which there would be without fail a response, the minimum expression of which would be a global ecological catastrophe. 4. This subject has been touched upon by various Anthroposophists. However, here too everything has led to the same thing, namely that new arguments are sought to blame the Germans as Nazis: they are said to have made themselves into the instruments of Sort. Otherwise you wouldn't call such assertions spiritual flippancy or foolery. The speculative mentality of the contemporary European prompts him to intellectual games in which, instead of a living human "I, there is at work what one Moscow author called the "ego-computer". Acceptance of everything that official propaganda says about the Holocaust is prevented by knowledge of the links between, and the configuration of, the geo-political forces we have already dealt with in previous chapters. If one thinks about all this seriously, then the Holocaust was (I permit myself this expression) methodologically impossible. Of course for many people this is not an argument, but I address, not the many, but only those capable of understanding historical symptomatology. 5. This means that we must re-think literally everything that has been said up till now about the 2nd World War, because for the last 45 years humanity has been fed nothing but lies. One of these is the Soviet love of peace, which Germany treacherously took advantage of. Now this has turned out to be a fundamental lie. The second element is the Holocaust. 6. Sometimes an idea comes to mind which is paradoxical to the point of impossibility. You think - "surely to God the Holocaust can't be untrue!* In other words -* God grant that it should be true that the annihilation of 6 million human beings was fact, for otherwise I can't imagine what will happen in the world. What will people start to think of the Jews if it turns out to be a bluff? What will happen to German compensation, on which a significant part of Israel has been built? What will become of re-educaton and re-educated Germans, etc.? As an Anthroposophist I am obliged to think that the 4S-year-long concentration of all humanity on the idea that with the help of cyanide 6 million human beings were eliminated, a gigantic spiritual counter-image has been created. If it corresponds to reality it is one thing, but if not it is an astral monster of lies, thirsting to realize itself in truth. If the Holocaust really happened, then denying it deprives its human victims of meaning. If it didn't happen, then, given existing circumstances, it certainly will. This is why it is necessary to summon up courage and, after thoroughly checking and analyzing everything for and against, arrive at full clarity on this question. Until then only one thing is clear: that the ban on studying it serves only to strengthen doubts as to the official version. But facts, documents, evidence!" the impatient reader is already shouting to me in reply - "You are ignoring the facts!" Not at all, let us turn to the documents. [ have had occasion to look through books in which many photographs were provided to demonstrate that the Holocaust took place. These photographs were subjected to many-sided scientific analysis (anatomical, geometrical, illumination/ shadow, etc.) with the help of which it was discovered that they are forgeries. They are either photo-montage or photos of pictures and not real events. Or their origin is completely unknown, in that they have been published at various times in various countries with different captions. I will name two such books.........compiler, publisher. Should any one object that these are extreme Right-wing publications, then I would decline this expression for the simple reason that we are discussing documents. 7. In the books mentioned it is shown by means of, and I emphasize again, by scientific analysis, that the photographs are not genuine, and it is suggested to each person that he check the validity of this analysis. It must be admitted that the work is morally difficult to undertake, but how can one not do it if the fate of people living today depends on these photographs? And when you are convinced that the photographs really are false, it becomes still more difficult, owing to the realization of the boundless cynicism. 8. Besides photographs there are printed documents. It was discovered, for example, that Simone Veil (President-Elect of the Euro-parliament in 1979) is counted among the victims of the Auschwitz gas-chambers, but under the maiden name Jacob. This research was carried out by a French professor Robert Faurisson from Lyons (- he was, for this, subjected to persecution and beaten up ferociously - a Jew by birth). It was discovered that relatives of Kissinger living today in Germany are also counted in the list of victims of Nazism, etc. Recently a plan has been discussed to build a villa on the Wannsee in Berlin as a national memorial to the crimes of Nazism. In a special edition of the magazine Iluttenbriefe, June 1992, photocopies of the Wannsee documents were published. Looking through them anyone can be convinced that the documents are forgeries. Again, I am not touching on the political orientation of this magazine, since we are talking about photocopies. But if a historian refuses to acquaint himself with them on purely emotional grounds, then I fail to understand such a historian. When we are dealing with major, serious human matters, then ethical aristocratism is not the best way to behave. I am not expressing a final judgment on whether the Holocaust happened or not. I simply don't have such a judgment. And previously I had not the slightest doubt that the Holocaust happened. But now I very much want somebody to explain to me the meaning of these forged photographs and documents - then the exponents of the existence of the Holocaust would gain in me another fellow-believer, and of course not only one. For I now remain deeply convinced that this question is in need of study. Many other facts which I have simply not touched upon speak for this. For example, engineering studies which have shown that it was physically impossible to have eliminated so many people in the ovens available. Moreover, a gas containing cyanide used in such quantities would have poisoned the whole environment. Such are the arguments of physicists and chemists who have carried out the appropriate measurements and calculations in the former concentration camps, and if they are not valid then it would be easy to refute them by means of other physical and chemical reports. for we are not dealing here with the realm of humanitarian (social) sciences. 9. Therefore in the case of the Holocaust it would be far more sensible not to imprison those who doubt it, but for the physicists and chemists - anti-Fascists - to counter the reports of the doubters with their own, and to explain why the most precise chemical analysis shows not the slightest trace of cyanide compounds in the walls of the gas-chambers; why German soldiers 15 minutes after the completion of the poisoning entered the gas-chambers without gas-masks and pulled out the bodies with their bare hands; and then, according to witnesses, ate a meal, but remained alive, etc. 10. The Russian-speaking reader has been far removed, up till now, from how the West lives. So I must give a brief explanation. In the West if someone, using documents and scientific data, writes an article about how the official version of the Holocaust causes him some doubt, then he receives, not criticism, but notification from a court that a case has been brought against him and proceedings started. Apologists for Zionism (and suchlike), who are often German or American lawyers, take such action for the celebration of democracy, although to the ordinary person this seems like the Inquisition, sending Giordano Bruno to the flames for his scientific heresy. 11. I don't say this for the sake of an abstract "etc." For example, I couldn't ignore the following fact: in the 1st World War a report was published in the Daily Telegraph on March 22nd 1916 stating that the Government of the Allies possessed documents showing that the Germans had killed by gas 700,000 peaceful Serbs - old men, children, women, after locking them up in a church. I read this newspaper and the question occurred to me: why didn't its publication come to notice either after the First or the Second World War? Then I had occasion to read the English Daily Telegraph and Morning Post of June 25th, 1942. In it was reported the killing of 700,000 Jews in Poland, but not in gas-chambers. Is it a coincidence that in both cases 700,000 was mentioned? Bear in mind that the first report was a falsehood.